Guarana Organic Powder, Paullinia Cupana - 2 for 1, Best Before date expired

Item number: GE05-1119-B-003

Guarana Organic Powder

High quality, fine taste
Our organic Guarana powder impresses with its noble taste and high quality.
- vegan, 
- no genetic engineering
- pure, natural
- no additives

Category: Superfruits


104,50 €

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Guarana Organic Powder

High quality, fine taste
Our organic Guarana powder impresses with its noble taste and high quality.
- vegan, 
- no genetic engineering
- pure, natural
- no additives
Stir into milk, water, fruit juice, yogurt or other food and drinks.

The ground seeds of organic Guaranà fruit (Paullinia Cupana) contain about 4 - 8% caffeine, coffee only 1.5%!
So you can mix it with Acai to get the popular "Vitacai".
And you can put an extra kick into all baked goods ...

Recommended dosage:

Stir 1 g (per 300 ml) into warm or cold milk or water. Add to yogurt or to the morning cereal. Start with half a teaspoon (about 2 g) in the morning and slowly increase to a maximum of 6 g per day in the first half of the day.

Since the organic guarana caffeine is partially bound to tannins, it is released in the body only slowly, so that the effect lasts up to 6 hours. Medical and health counseling recommends taking no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day which is equivalent to about 4 grams of guarana powder.

100 grams of organic guarana powder include:
11 g fat
3 g protein
10 g starch
50 g fiber
Traces of theobromine and theophylline
In addition, organic Guarana powder is free of irritants.

Application of organic guarana powder:

Any healthy person can take organic Guarana powder, it is - in contrast to coffee - not addictive, still, a daily dose of up to 6 grams should not be exceeded.

Organic Guarana for Athletes

For athletes, organic Guarana powder is suitable to increase endurance and performance.
To this end take Guarana one hour before the workout and, if necessary, a smaller dose during the workout.

Organic Guarana for Students

Guarana powder can have a positive effect on memory during exams.
In the work process, it can have a positive effect on mental and physical performance and makes you less sensitive to stress.
Guarana powder suppresses appetite in nature's own way, so it is preferable to chemical appetite suppressants.

What else to do about weight?

To additionally inhibit the glucose intake in the small intestine, which helps with the blood sugar level and relieves the pancreas, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of Lapacho tea (from the inner bark). The metabolism changes, cravings for sugar disappear, the appetite normalizes. Combined with improved oxygen supply and tissue regeneration, Lapacho proves to be an ideal helper in case of obesity. In addition, Lapacho contains saponins to a high degree, and xylodion.
After a night of consumption of alcohol, it works great as hangover killer.

Side effects of guarana

Excessive consumption of guarana powder (more than 6 grams per day) can cause nervousness and irritability.

Guarana in folk medicine

Guaraná - peeled and dried seeds of it - has been widely used in folk medicine in the Amazon for centuries. In folk medicine Guaraná is said to strengthen the physical ability in weakness. It has a stimulating effect and reduces hunger and thirst. Therefore always drink a lot, if you treat yourself Guaraná.
Since this plant is valued worldwide for its stimulating and beneficial properties, there are plantations in Brazil, Venezuela and Paraguay with organic-biological or conventional cultivation.
We offer both qualities and other delicious products that contain Guaraná.

Guarana has been known to the peoples of the Amazon for hundreds of years. Guarana powder is often taken as a natural aphrodisiac and against signs of aging. Guarana can lift the mood, so who suffers from mood swings should try it. Guarana was used as a pick-me-up at hunts and festivals. The natives grated the guarana seeds and mixed them into their drinks. The mixture kept awake and dampened the feeling of hunger.
Today Guarana powder is included in many lemonade drinks in South America. Guarana powder is also used in chocolates, chewing gum and energy drinks. In fitness circles and bodybuilding, guarana is a popular way of improving endurance and performance.

The simplest method is to mix the light brown powder with water and sweeten it with Erylite. This drink has the same stimulating effect as coffee and dampens hunger. Therefore, it is often used for weight loss.
Since the guarana caffeine is bound to tannins, the effect of caffeine is delayed and therefore lasts longer. This makes Guarana so popular: unlike coffee, it builds up slowly and fades away slowly.
A wake-up and energy activator that still allows for sleep, enhancing bodybuilding and fitness.

Before you treat yourself to medicinal herbs, please ask your trusted medical person who is familiar with medicinal herbs

Shipping weight: 1,00 Kg
Product weight: 1,00 Kg

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